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Individual Mind

PMMA, Resin, Iron, Ceramic, Brass, Plastic/PMMA, Resina, Ferro, Ceramica, Ottone, Plastica.
W 56 D 7,6 H 7,5 cm

CareCube: are rectangular-shaped parallelepiped sitting next to a few Heritage objects dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century. 
These items, so strongly evoking the past, contribute to the creation of meaningful artifacts which aim at reviving some of the last fragments of the daily living of our ancestors, telling, in turn, a history. 
They have stirred up my interest for their craftsmanship boosting a unique manual expertise belonging to a past where industrial reproducibility had just started. I use them out of their usual context and I make them interact with contemporary materials such as Polymethylmethacrylate and Resins.